Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fron Pages of the World

 What is your favorite newspaper front page? Why?
The Buffalo News was my favorite.
The stories were interesting and it didn't have too many pictures.

What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it?
Employers use FaceBook for screening job applicants. I think it's interesting that the people who are interviewing you are asking for your Fascebook information rather than asking normal interview questions.

How many stories are on the front page of your favorite?
4 but they are all continued on another page.

What do you  notice that all newspaper front pages have in common?
Most of them have the same design, and almost all of them have one big picture in the middle.

What are things that vary on the front pages of different newspapers? 
Some have more pictures than the others or they have more stories with less pictures, and some look more like magazines rather than newspapers.